I must admit that even after all these years of fishing, that I still get just as excited as I did when I was 6 years old as I prepare for fishing charters on Lake Erie today. It brings back memories of looking into my Dads tackle box and trying to con him out of a flatfish or even a nearly empty spool of line just so I could have more “stuff” in my old metal tackle box.( which by the way I still have :). My love of getting my gear ready for not only guiding here on Lake Erie near Buffalo New York, but also the years I fished BASS, FLW and numerous other tournament circuits from 1978 to 2005. The years of filming my TV Series “Jim Hanley’s Northeastoutdoors” was never a burden when it came to the time on the water. Getting those special baits together for the show we planned to shoot that day was a blast for me. I will admit that editing and selling the show was another story, as I hate being indoors and sitting in front of a computer or being on the phone negotiating a deal with a sponsor. Sorting hooks, re spooling reels, going through the Bass Pro Shops Catalog and ordering the new stuff I will need for 150 days of guiding customers to the fishing trip of a lifetime just never gets old and something I always look forward to. I hope that you enjoy this or something in your life that you are forever grateful for and love it as much as I do. I thank the Good Lord for it everyday. Stop by my web site for some infortaion about my passion at www.northeastoutdoors.com