Author Archive
12 Year Old Releases 30 Inch Walleye
Drew Christenson cracked this bulbous worm disposal while fishing with me on Lake Erie. He caught it pulling a crawler harness over the top of the weeks in 12′ on an offshore tackle mini board.
I assure you this photo is not photoshopped and quite the catch. We are all excited and proud of him.
Big smallie on Lake Erie for a happy client
Paul Issac of Buffalo New York holds a 5.8lb bass on the day after the opener for the trophy small mouth bass season here in New York State. Paul holds the record in my boat for catching the biggest smallie at 7.4lbs. Whats better then fishing for trophy size small mouth bass and smoking a fine cigar? No better place to catch huge bass then on the eastern end of Lake Erie n… Read More
A bonus walleye while fishing for Lake Erie trophy smallmouth bass
Happy angler Don Fuller from Pa caught this beautiful 8lb walleye while fishing on Lake Erie for smallmouth bass. The first Saturday in May is the opener for New York’s special trophy season for smallies. You are allowed to fish for small mouth bass with live bait or artificials and if you like you can take home one fish over 20 inches for mounting. Don nailed this big walley… Read More
Lake Erie Monsters are wating for you
This great pix of Stanley Kain with a 5.8 lb caught on May 6th from Lake Erie near Buffalo New York. He caught another one almost as big on May 7th…. Read More
Fishing on Lake Erie with the Louisville Bats
Enjoyed the day fishing with team mates from the Louisville Bats AAA Baseball Team. First Baseman, Mike Hessman and catchers Nevin Ashely and Konrad Schmidt caught about 30 very nice smallies fishing with me today. They are in town this week playing the Buffalo Bisons Baseball Team and called to go fishing. Mike had gone out with me before and told his team mate what an amazing… Read More
Trophy smallmouth bass season begins on May 4th on Lake Erie near Buffalo New York
Its hard to believe that the long and crazy winter of 2013 is over and in less then 2 weeks the trophy small mouth bass season on Lake Erie near Buffalo New York begins. It seems like I had just put the boat away from last year and now its time for the new season. The new Lund and Mercury Verado are ready to go, clients are chomping at the bit to catch some big smallies and I h… Read More
Smooth moves seats tame Lake Erie’s worst waves
Newly installed smooth moves seat mounts in my Lund 2075 will save my back from the everyday Lake Erie delivers. Check them out at
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Serious Motor for my Fishing Charter Business
As charter captain of 35 years on the Great Lakes, I know there are times when an unexpected storm seems to come out of nowhere and you need to be on shore ASAP!. I am always prepared to make it back to shore as quickly as possible so I chose a motor for 2013 that can do exactly that. My new Mercury Verado 250HP Pro has plenty of extra power, great fuel economy, and superchar… Read More
Introduction to Jim Hanley’s Fishing Charters
I have been in the fishing business for 35 years and have loved every minute of it. Check out my intro about my charter fishing service on Lake Erie near Buffalo for smallmouth bass, walleye and musky. … Read More
New fishing ap for IPhones from Mark Romanack
If you love to troll and have ever used the “Trollers Bible” from Mark Romanack, in booklet form, then his new ap soon to be availabe for IPhones is just what you are looking for. It will be available in different price ranges depending on what lures you use and easily updated as your acquire more baits. Check it out at Deep water trolle… Read More